
Friday, 1 April 2016

beauty tips and tricks

finally today i am going to tell you the  best  fruit peels that make your skin fair  and keep your skin healthy  and amazing trick for fairer skin and instant fairness by using this and try it for good results from beauty tips and tricks                                                              6 Amazing Fruit Peels to Make your Skin Fair and Glow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1.Orange Peel                                                                                             Skin Benefits of Orange Peel                                                                                                        Orange peel is an extremely good source of vitamins and minerals.It contains Vitamin C and Vitamin A that is extremely beneficial for skin.Vitamin C acts as a natural skin bleacher, it enhances your complexion and boost your skin natural radiance and glow. Vitamin A helps in reducing wrinkles, dark spots and skin roughness.Orange skin are packed with antioxidants that boost skin elasticity, fight acne and protects the skin from free radical damage.  
beauty tips and tricks
                                                                                          Orange Peel Face Pack                                                                                                                     Take 2 tbsp of orange peel powder, add 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of thick yogurt.Mix them properly to get a smooth consistency. Apply this pack to your face and neck.Leave it to dry for 20 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water.If you have an extremely dry skin then you can add the contents of a Vitamin E capsule to the pack and then apply.This face pack gives your skin a natural glow and enhances your skin complexion.                                                                                                                    2.Lemon Peel                                                                                                   Skin Benefits of Lemon Peel                                                                                                          Lemon peel contains bioflavonoids, an antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress and helps in removing toxic elements in our body.  
beauty tips and tricks
 Lemon Peel Face Pack                                                                                                                                  In a bowl add 2 tbsp of lemon peel powder, add 1 tbsp of brown fine sugar, add 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of almond oil.Mix all the ingredients properly.Now take some amount of this mixture on your hand and scrub gently on your face and neck for 2 minutes, apply some more and leave this pack to dry for 10 minutes.Wash your face with cool water.This pack exfoliates your skin, removes dead skin cells and makes your skin visibly fair and smooth.                                                                                                                 3.Pomegranate Peel                                                                                                      Skin Benefits of Pomegranate Peel                                                                              Pomegranate has been named as the “fruit of heaven” because of its vital nutrients and several health benefits      
beauty tips and tricks
Pomegranate Peel Face Pack                                                                                                                Take 2 tbsp of pomegranate peel powder, add 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of honey.Mix all the ingredients properly to form a smooth paste.Apply this pack on your face and neck and leave it to dry for 15 minutes.Wash your face with lukewarm water.This face pack removes dark spots, lightens acne scars, hydrates and brightens the skin naturally.

       4.Apple peel
Skin Benefits of Apple Peel                                                                                                 Apple peels are rich in vitamins and minerals.The skin of the apple contain polyphenols, an antioxidant that fight free radicals and protect against ultraviolet radiation to help you in achieving younger looking skin                                                                                                                         beauty tips and tricks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Apple Peel Face Pack                                                                                                   Take 2 tbsp of apple peel powder, add 3 tbsp of butter milk and mix it properly to form a smooth paste.Apply on your face and neck and leave it to dry for 25 minutes.Wash your face with cold water.This pack improves the color of your skin, makes your skin soft and radiant.                                                                                                                                                                                  Papaya Peel                                                                                                    Skin Benefits of Papaya Peel                                                                                              Papaya peel contains alpha hydroxy acids(AHAs) that lightens skin tone, moisturizes dry skin and prevents sagging skin                                             
beauty tips and tricks                                                            
  Papaya Peel face Pack                                                                                                                                                 
Take a clean, ripe papaya skin and blend it in a mixer to form a paste.Add 2 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of lemon juice.Mix all the ingredients properly and apply on your face and neck.Leave it for 15 minutes to dry and then rinse using lukewarm water.This face pack moisturises your skin, remove dark spots and scars and gives an irresistibly smooth and glowing skin.
Make sure you wash the fruit peels extremely well before applying it on your skin.
These were some of the amazing fruit peels to make your skin fair and glow.If you know any other fruit peels that has healthy skin benefits then you can share with us your ideas and suggestion in the below comment section.Feel free to ask if you have any concern or queries related to beauty skin problems.

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